Eva Bares, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer of Art History


Dr. Eva Hericks-Bares is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Art & Art History here at the University of North Carolina Asheville. She graduated in 2014 with a Ph.D. in Art History and Criticism from SUNY Stony Brook and also holds a M.A. degree in Communication Studies from the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL), a combined BA/MA degree in German Literature and Journalism from Otto-Friedrich-Universität (Bamberg, Germany), and an advanced graduate certificate in Art & Philosophy from SUNY Stony Brook. She has been the recipient of a number of scholarships and awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship (1997-98, University of Miami) and a presidential fellowship (SUNY Stony Brook), and most recently was awarded a Humanities Affiliate Grant for the years 2020 and 2021 to provide multiple products designed to improve the visual arts offerings of the Humanities sequence.

Dr. Hericks-Bares has been at UNCA since 2011 and teaches in both the Art History and the Humanities program. Her courses focus on the contemporary as well as ancient arts of Africa and the Middle East, and her research and teaching approaches take a particular interest in the intersections of art, geography, and philosophy.