Tom Schram

Adjunct Lecturer of Art

Asheville area artist, Tom Schram, obtained his BFA in Painting from UNC Asheville and MFA in Sculpture from Clemson University. He works full time at the Asheville Art Museum as a Preparator and Assistant Registrar and teaches Two and Three Dimensional Design part time at UNC Asheville.

bonsai tree from floor tile and barb wire


Construction materials discarded as waste, 34 x 40 x 32 inches

handmade forest

Projected Landscape

1/4x1/4” dowels cut from 2x4s, plywood, toothpicks, projected video, 40 x 48 x 24 inches

shotglasses stacked

Stacked Glass

Plastic cups, broken tempered glass, wood, fluorescent lights, 46 x 96 x 40 inches

booth with broken glass

Three Degrees

Old Doors, Broken Tempered Glass, Subwoofers, Stereo Receiver, Audio File, 86 x 40 x 41 inches

installation with red wiring and speakers

Social Network

Electrical Wires, Speakers, Light Switches, Computer Program, Audio Files, Installation dimensions variable